Monday, July 13, 2009

Bank thief by mistake Hails Cop After Heist

Bank Robber Mistakenly Hails Cop after Heist
A bank thief chose the incorrect way to make an escape from the scene of his crime - fortuitousl hailing a ride from an in secret cop. Skip related content

Having looted a Michigan bank on Wednesday, parolee Mark E White flagged down a passing vehicle a few blocks away.

The driver turned out to be local Saginaw Township detective Scott Jackson, who immediately arrested the would-be escapee.

The hapless con was slapped with charges that include bank robbery and making a false bomb threat.

He is now being held at the Saginaw County Jail on a $755,000 (£465,600) bail.

The attempted bank job came a matter of weeks after White had been freed on parole.

He was free from jail on June 16 after portion time for operating a vehicle while intoxicated and - properly - violating a former parole.