There is always a little annoying
Katherine Heigl. Good thing she has an August In Style cover to let it all out.
But ahead of we get to what's difficulty her this time, it's vital to note she does take the Grey's Anatomy writers off her "on notice" list.
"It was a large tale to tell and pleasing for me on a million different levels," she says of the Izzie brain-cancer stuff. "This season I had an remarkable story line. I am thankful to the authors."
Now on to the second matter Katie would like to see determined.
It looks dreamy comedies, the type currently aiding Heigl in her quest of movie fame, needs to step it up.
Earlier than sticking it to the type, she starts with the praises, acknowledging something good about her new movie, The Ugly Truth, "I know this is going to sound bad but I'm really glad it's an R. I didn't want to do another PG-13 movie."
Then she elaborates about the nature of relationships: "You're probably going to drop the F-bomb once in a while. You're probably going to say some things that are kind of harsh. And you're definitely going to talk about sex. It doesn’t have to be so Snow White and Prince Charming. That's my problem with a lot of romantic comedies: Everyone spends so much time trying to make sure it's the fairytale because that's what the rating calls for."
Now we're not entirely talk into that her new R-rated movie doesn't have a neat myth ending given the trailer. And, in fact, her last "sexist" R-rated rom-com had a perfect happy ending, too, but anything to things that make sure! What Katherine Heigl demands, Katherine Heigl gets, or she won't be submitting her name to any reward shows.
So somebody improved get on writing her an R-rated loving joke with an unhappy ending that could end in an Oscar, and she'll send you one of these for your dining room (it will surely impress your guests):