Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gosselin are recently rip as 'Jon & Kate' returns

NEW YORK — Reality TV mom Kate Gosselin says she feels a sense of peace after making the decision to separate from her husband, Jon.

So should fans of "Jon & Kate Plus 8," who may have fretted that this family-oriented reality show would be jeopardized by the co-stars' estrangement. For better or worse, the TLC series is as warm and fuzzy as ever, if two new episodes that aired Monday are any indication.

The episodes marked the end of a hiatus that began in June, when the Gosselins revealed to a huge audience of 10.6 million viewers their decision to split. The TLC network said then the couple needed time to "regroup," an odd word choice for a broken marriage.

But the revamped show's focus on "separately parenting" (another TLC term) is still focused on everyday family activities with the couple's eight kids — 5-year-old sextuplets and 8-year-old twins.Read More about Gosselin